Holiday rules

Holiday Account

New holiday rules from 1st September 2020

The current holiday rules entitle you to 25 days of holiday a year. You still have this right in the new Holiday Act. The change is that you will get 2.08 days of holiday each month which you can take the month after you have accrued them. This is called concurrent holiday.

Holiday is accrued from 1st September to 31st August, which is called the holiday year. While holiday is accrued over 12 months, it can be taken over 16 months (1st September to 31st December the following year – the holiday year plus the next four months). This is called the holiday period. Please read about the transition to the new Danish Holiday act here. 

As a general rule, holidays (including special single holidays) are scheduled and agreed on by the individual employee and his/her immediate superior.

The day following Ascension Day has been categorized as low-service day.This means that the following service level will apply for the staff at work on that day:

Doors -  Locked
Post  - None
Heating  - Lower than normal
Officers of the building -  None
Cleaning - None
Journal - None
Switchboard service -  None
ITS Service, local servicedesks -  Closed
ITS Service, support phone (#2020) -  Open
On-call workmen - Yes (24-hour service)
Falck Securitas (security) - Yes


Special Holidays

Each employee is entitled to earn 0.42 day of special holiday pr. month of employment.

Upon application remaining special holidays may also be transferred to the next holiday year but maximum 5 days. The transferred special holidays must be held in the following holiday period.

Note that from the holiday year 2018/2019 you can only transfer 5 days in total (special AND ordinary holidays)


Reporting your holidays

Most holidays have been regisgered on the basis of the holiday request form handed in and signed on request. Remaining holidays must be reported to

You can accesss your own holiday records by logging into AAU absence system called SHR. You are then able to check your current holiday balance of both regular and special holidays as well as any other registered absence.

Paid holidays

According to provisions in the Statute relating to Public Servants (Tjenestemandsloven) and collective agreements, the Main Joint Consultation Committee at Aalborg University has made the following decisions on holidays at AAU, which means paid days off:

1.    Ordinary days off

Saturdays and Sundays

2.    Bank holidays

Christmas Day (25 December) , the day after Christmas Day (26 December), New Year’s Day (1 January), Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, General Prayer Day, Ascension Day and Whit Monday (these holidays are fixed annually)

 3.    Other fixed holidays

The day of Christmas Eve (24 December), the day of New Year’s Eve (31 December) and Constitution Day (5 June)

4.    Half day off

International Worker’s Day (1 May). Employees may request a half day off from 12:00 on 1 May to attend Labour Day rallies. In order for the request to be met, it is a prerequisite that the particular unit can function satisfactorily all day. Employees must make their request of this half day off no later than 23 April or the following ordinary working day after this date to their line manager. Notice of approval of time off will be given no later than three working days prior to 1 May.

In case the Statute relating to Public Servants (Tjenestemandsloven) or collective agreements entitle employees to additional days off, this right is maintained.

If additional special agreements on holidays not comprised by this agreement exist, these should be reported to the Main Joint Consultation Committee who will recommend to the University management to maintain, cancel or terminate these agreements.

The present agreement is subject to changes according to new legislation and new or amended collective agreements.

This agreement replaces any previous agreements.